Nuga Best Tourmanium bracelet





Bracelets are ancient jewelry, people have worn them for thousands of years. But mankind developed, and the materials from which jewelry was made also changed. In our rapid time, many prefer to be closer to nature, it is logical that they choose jewelry from natural materials.

The bracelet made of tourmanium meets many requirements: it is elegant, designed in a classic style, so it fits any clothes, and people of different ages can wear it. In addition, in the composition of tourmanium ceramics, from which the decoration is made, there are only natural components.

Tourmanium bracelet must be worn regularly. As a result of the effects of tourmania, blood flow improves, so it is useful to wear jewelry made of tourmanium ceramics.



The main advantage of the Nuga Best bracelet is its undoubted, scientifically proven, health benefits. Scientists at the German Fraunhofer Institute, who studied the physical properties of tourmanium, came to the conclusion that tourmanium ceramics increase blood circulation.

Tourmanium ceramics is a unique alloy that has a beneficial effect on humans. When rubbed and heated, tourmanium ceramics are a source of infrared radiation, magnetotherapy and ionization, which together have a positive effect on the entire body.

Tourmanium ceramics is a unique alloy that has a beneficial effect on humans. When rubbed and heated, tourmanium ceramics are a source of infrared radiation, magnetotherapy and ionization, which together have a positive effect on the entire body. To feel the effects of tourmanium ceramics, it is enough to wear a bracelet of this alloy on your wrist from 20 minutes a day.

Regular wearing of a bracelet with tourmanium ceramics contributes to:

– removal of fatigue;
– reduction of moral and nervous overstrain;
– relaxation;
– increased tone;
– improving mood.



  • Stylish design
  • Tourmanium ceramics have a beneficial effect on the body
  • Wear-resistant material, scratch-resistant
  • Suitable for daily wear as decoration
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Adjustable to any wrist size

Elegant tourmanium bracelet in a beautiful bag is a great solution for a gift


Wear tourmanium jewelry and be healthy!



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