Nuga Best NM30 Tourmanium Pillow


Product weight: 1.36 kg
Product size: 400 X 198 X 85 mm
SKU: NM30 Category:


The new NM-30 is an original-shaped elastic cushion with 110 tourmanium rectangular plates on its surface. The pillow ensures the correct position of the head and neck during sleep due to precisely selected sizes and heights, helps to align the spine, improve cerebral circulation and is effective in the fight against insomnia.

Purpose of the tourmanium traction massager NM–30 NEW:

The South Korean company Nuga Medical has developed a new tourmanium pillow for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend a lot of time at the computer.

Turbo cushion NM-30 NEW for those who care about:

  • Restore healthy sleep.
  • Overcome insomnia.
  • Get rid of headaches.
  • Normalize the pressure.
  • Improve your eyesight.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Prevent the displacement of the discs of the spine.
  • Fight stress and depression.
  • Eliminate salt deposits.
  • Improve overall well-being.

Sleeping on a tourmanium pillow NM-30 NEW is an excellent prevention of diseases of the cervical spine, shoulder girdle and thyroid gland.


Advantages of the tourmanium traction massager NM–30 NEW:

The advantage and uniqueness of this product is in its original form. The quality of sleep depends on the position of the head, body and neck during rest. The shape of the NM–30 NEW tourmanium cushion corresponds to the physiological cervical curvature of the spine, which allows the neck and head to take the correct position. Sleeping on such a pillow prevents the displacement of the discs of the spine.

Tourmanium traction massager NM–30 NEW is made of special silicone. Due to this, the tourmanium pillow is softer and more pleasant to use.

Tourmanium pillow NM-30 NEW has a compact size, which allows you to use it in any place convenient for you: at work, in the country, at home or on the road. And the specialists of “Nuga Medical” recommend using a tourmanium pillow regularly to enhance the healing effect.

The NM-30 NEW pillow supports the head well, which allows the muscles to relax during sleep.


Why does the tourmanium pillow NM-30 NEW have such a healing effect?

The fact is that the disks placed on its surface are made of tourmanium ceramics – an exclusive invention of the South Korean company Nouga Medical. Tourmanium ceramics is a unique alloy based on tourmaline and germanium with the addition of volcanic rocks and elvan.

The human body using the NM-30 NEW pillow is beneficially affected by three properties of tourmanium ceramics at once: infrared heat, ionization and magnetotherapy.



The greatest benefit for restoring health and normalizing sleep is infrared heat, which penetrates deeply into the tissues.

Infrared waves correspond to the radiation spectrum of healthy cells, so the human body passes them without resistance. When tissue cells are warmed up by infrared heat, metabolism is restored in them, positive reactions are enhanced and a strong, healthy sleep occurs.


The process of ionization, which occurs when oxygen molecules collide with the surface of tourmanium ceramics, contributes to a better absorption of vitamins and minerals by the body. Ionization helps prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.


The source of magnetotherapy in the pillow is tourmaline. Each cell of our body has its own magnetic field, without which metabolism is impossible. If the magnetic field is weak, health problems begin.


The healing effect of the tourmanium pillow is also achieved due to the correct position of the neck and head during sleep, as well as due to long-wave infrared rays and negatively charged ions emitted by tourmanium ceramics.


Ways to properly use the tourmanium pillow NM-30 NEW:

The position of the pillow under the neck leads to orthopedic traction of the cervical spine. The body is relaxed and actively restores lost strength. Immunity is strengthened and pressure is normalized. A strong and healthy sleep occurs. According to statistics, the tourmanium pillow eliminates the sleep disorder in 9 out of 10 cases.

The tourmanium pillow can be used in the supine position or by placing it on a regular pillow.

Putting a pillow under your back massages your spine, relaxes your back muscles, improves blood circulation and makes you feel relaxed. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of osteochondrosis. In addition, this type of massage relieves radiculitis, removes back pain and helps to recover faster after sprains of the back muscles.

You can put your hands on the pillow or put your feet. The pillow will quickly relieve swelling or heaviness in the legs, restore blood circulation in the hands. This method of using the pillow is especially recommended for those who constantly have cold hands or feet.

Using the pillow in the position under the arm or under the knees, you get rid of arthritis and arthrosis.

Regular use of the NM–30 NEW tourmanium traction massager helps many people regain their strength after a hard day’s work.


A good night’s sleep – bright and positive thoughts during the day!

Be healthy and happy with “Nuga Best”!




Tel: +32 3 808 12 91

Mobile/Whatsapp: +32474403260

Weight 1,36 kg
Dimensions 40 × 19,8 × 8,5 cm


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