Nuga Best jewelry set (1 tourmanium bracelet + 1 necklace)




Weight: 50 g       Price: 155 euro  





The South Korean company Nuga Medical Co. Ltd. cares about the beauty and health of its customers with its T-Hera kit, which includes a necklace with medallion and a bracelet made of Tourmanium ceramics.

Fashionable and elegant, made in a modern style necklace with a pendant of the original shape and a bracelet which are suitable for people of all  ages. The design of the product conveys the philosophical meaning of the mission of Nuga Best™. Tourmanium has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, improves blood circulation and lifts the mood.

Elegant, fashionable and healthy jewelry that emphasizes elegance and fits with any clothes.




Product benefits:

Necklaces and bracelets made of Tourmanium ceramics affect the points of where it is worn, points located in the neck and wrists (carotid artery, thoracic lymph duct, lymph nodes, radial and ulnar arteries), Tourmanium ceramics have a positive effect on the nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems.



Tourmanium ceramics are uniquely developed by the company Nuga Medical Co. Ltd., which are high-quality alloys of natural healing stones such as tourmaline, germanium, elvan and volcanic rocks.



 Elvan Rock








Volcanic rock


Healing principles:

Tourmanium ceramics heat up when they contact the body and then it starts showing useful healing properties: Tourmanium emits long-wave infrared rays close to the natural thermal radiation towards the human body. It further creates a magnetic field. It also contributes to the formation of negatively charged ions in the air and ionization in the tissues of the body.


  1. Magnetic therapy:

A magnetic field occurs when Tourmanium stones are heated. This magnetic field penetrates the body tissue while improving blood circulation at the level of capillaries and stimulating the metabolism in the human cells.


  1. Ionization therapy:

Negatively charged ions accelerate biochemical reactions in cells, increasing immunity and improving the functioning of the central nervous system.

You have certainly noticed that great sense of wellbeing when walking in a forest, by a lake or on the beach, near a waterfall or in fresh snow. This is due to the negative electric charge from the air called the anion.

Anions promote the metabolism of cells and increase one’s vitality, refreshes the blood, relieves fatigue, increases appetite and brings stability. Thus, it is even called the vitamin of oxygen. The standard distribution of anion per 1cc of air in forests, hot springs, waterfalls and the beach varies from 800 to 2000 atoms.

On the other hand, you most certainly have noticed how you felt tired and stressed in a confined environment, and even more so when there are too many people in sharing the same space.

Well, it’s all related to the existence of negative or positive ions in the atmosphere.



  1. Far Infrared (FIR) therapy:

Infrared heat warms the body surface locally and causes muscle relaxation, increases blood flow in the tissues, relieves tension and pain, and it contributes to the saturation of cells with oxygen.

Emitted from the Sun and from our human body in nature. FIR is non-invasive, but reaches deep into the nerves and muscles, providing deep heat therapy that can help to boost the body’s healing ability by increasing the metabolism and immune system, helping to detoxify the blood.



The T-Hera tourmanium ceramics jewelry set is designed for health purposes, while it has a classic design and an attractive appearance, which allows you to wear it as a decoration.

In addition, the Tourmanium set T-Hera is a universal gift for anyone.





More information?

Contact: +32 4 74 40 32 60 (Whatsapp or phone)




Be healthy and beautiful with “Nuga Best”!

Weight 0.050 kg


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