Nuga Best Exclusive Watch (round) – gold plated (rare!)





Beauty and health have combined in a stylish watch with the “Nuga Best‟ tourmanium bracelet and the high-precision Swiss mechanism. The watch with the “Nuga Best‟ tourmanium bracelet” is not only a modern beauty accessory, but also a source of vigor.

Purpose of use:

It has been scientifically proven that electromagnetic radiation causes changes in the body at the cellular level and thereby damages the gene sequence. But how can a modern person protect his health if there are mobile phones and various electrical appliances all around? The way out, however, is – this negative impact can be mitigated or even neutralized by a watch with a tourmanium bracelet.

Tourmanium ceramics possess special abilities to create a low-frequency magnetic field (magnet therapy), which is equivalent to a person’s natural magnetic field. Thanks to this factor, the body is enriched with oxygen, immunity increases, the walls of blood vessels become more durable, the functioning of the respiratory organs improves, and sleep is normalized.


  • Tourmanium ceramics is a source of infrared radiation.
  • The beneficial properties of turmanium ceramics normalize arterial pressure, improve well-being and life tone.
  • There are models of both women’s and men’s watches.
  • A watch with a tourmanium bracelet can be worn around the clock, as it does not have any negative side effects.

Why does a watch with a tourmania bracelet have such a beneficial effect on the human body?

Tourmanium ceramics is an exclusive invention of the South Korean company “Nuga Best‟, which in its essence is an alloy of tourmaline, germanium, elvan rock and volcanic rocks.

Turmanium ceramics leaves a beneficial impression on the human body, as it is a source of infrared heat, ionization and magnet therapy.

Upon coming into contact with the human body, the tourmania bracelet heats up and promotes positive reactions in the body.

Tourmanium ceramic infrared radiation removes muscle and vascular spasms, and also normalizes blood pressure.

Magnetotherapy and ionization enrich the blood with oxygen, improve its fluidity and recover the walls of blood vessels. The blood begins to circulate better, and with it it becomes easier for the heart to pump it.

Constantly wearing the “Nuga Best‟ watch with a tourmanium bracelet strengthens immunity, improves blood circulation, increases working capacity and reduces fatigue. A person begins to sleep better, feels alert and full of energy.

It’s time to take care of your health.

Be healthy and happy with “Nuga Best‟!




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